SLQB 19985
Access Step Ladders, Roof Walkways, Roof Guardrails, Fall Restraint Systems, Access Stairs, Platforms, Plant Decks & Stair Towers.
This project was a comprehensive endeavor aimed at addressing large operational needs and mitigating risks associated with facility affected by natural disasters, downtime and outages. Safetylyne was tasked with developing robust solutions for plant maintenance and roof access, considering the challenges posed by natural disasters and the critical need for uninterrupted operations.
The project's brief encompassed designing and implementing custom solutions that would ensure the safety of maintenance personnel while providing efficient access to roof areas for maintenance activities. Safetylyne's innovative approach focused on creating bespoke fall restraint systems, maintenance access platforms, step ladders, access stair towers, and detailed documentation for roof maintenance, all tailored to the specific requirements of the cold storage facility.
By leveraging our expertise in design, engineering, and project management, Safetylyne successfully delivered solutions that not only met but exceeded the client's expectations. Our proactive problem-solving, attention to detail and commitment to safety and efficiency were instrumental in overcoming the challenges posed by the project, ultimately ensuring the smooth functioning of the cold storage facility despite its operational and environmental complexities.